Services and Expertise
William Hunt Partners can help you accelerate and grow your business. Our expertise:
Business Planning and Strategy
Focus your business and your planning on what's critical. Ensure that what you're selling aligns with what your customers and your market requires. Ensure that everyone in your organization is heading in the same direction.
Fund Raising
Strategize, build your funding documents and presentations, and focus on what's important to your investors. Connect with investors and deliver a compelling message.
Product Management
Ensure that your products are customer-focused and differentiated from your competition. Ensure that your internal organizations are in sync both in terms of what needs to be built, and the values of what has been built.

Engineering Management
Make sure your engineering process is solid and efficient towards delivering high-quality customer-focused products to your market as rapidly as possible. Validate your architecture. Build your patent portfolio. Hire the best, and build off-shore development centers.
Operations Management
Ensure that your products and services are delivered reliably and with high-quality. Ensure that your web offerings are continuously available and delivering value to your customers.
Finance and Accounting
Financial planning and strategy. Day-to-day accounting and collections.